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Stackyard News Jun 07

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Gamble Bull Heads Skipton Pedigree Beef Breeding Sale

Six pedigree Belgian Blues proved the stars on a packed card for cattle at Skipton Auction Mart. (Wed, June 20)

Linthorpe Albatross sold for 3,600 guineas
Linthorpe Albatross

Pick of the Belgian Blues was a good strong, blue and white May, 2005, home-bred bull from Yorkshire Dales farmer Ken Gamble, of Blackburn House Farm, Thorpe.

Linthorpe Albatross, sired by the Belgian-bred bull Captaine Du Et Chateau and out of a Lawns cow, remained in North Yorkshire when selling for 3,600 guineas to Ken Eddon, of Pickering, who also paid 1,500 guineas for a bull from Tim Metcalfe, of Clayton, Bradford.

Hallfield Hayup, a May, 2005, blue and white son of Serum d’Anloy, presented by Stuart Gill, of Dacre, Harrogate, returned to his roots when purchased for 1,750 guineas by Stephen and Malcolm Abbott, also of Dacre.

Of the females, a March, 2002, pedigree cow, Gregmaur Umbra, bred in Leicestershire by Mr and Mrs D Gregory, of Bosworth, with bull calf at foot, from Geoff Mellin, of Colne, was knocked down to a telephone bidder for 1,450 guineas.

Stuart Gill also exhibited a black and white maiden heifer, again by Serum d’Anloy, which was sold for 920 guineas.

The 390 store cattle forward also included 205 young feeding bulls, 19 steers, 54 heifers and 106 head of suckler cattle. Store cattle saw good trade, with feeding bulls a little easier, in line with prime bull prices.


Young Bulls: Limousin to 660gns (£487), Belgian Blue to 730 (501), Charolais to 532 (451), Simmental to 535 (435), Blonde to 438 (434), Saler to 532 (503), Angus to 460 (390), Friesian to 398 (306). Top price - A Rigby, Slaidburn.

Steers: Limousin to 510 (457), Belgian Blue to 560 (547), Simmental to 465, Piemontese to 560, Friesian to 370. Joint top price - FG Throup, Silsden & RC Lee, Laycock.
Heifers: Limousin to 560 (444), Belgian Blue to 478 (437), Simmental to 635 (522), Blonde to 540 (516), Charolais to 510 (470), Angus to 495 (473), Longhorn to 495. Top price - E & S Baines, Sawley.

Pedigree Belgian Blue Cattle: Bulls - K Gamble 3600gns, SD Gill 1700gns, T Metcalfe 1500gns. Heifers - SD Gill 920gns. Cow & Calf - G Mellin 1480 gns.

Suckler Cattle: Limx Hfr & Lim twin calves to 1180, Limx Hfr with Lim Bull calf to 1120, Limx Hfr with Lim Steer calf to 810, Limx Hfr with Lim Hfr calf to 1240, Limx Cow with BB Bull calf to 910, Limx cow with Bld Bull calf to 900, Char Cow with Lim Hfr calf to 800, Sim Cow with Sim Hfr calf to 740, Bel Blue Hfr with Lim Hfr calf to 1420, Saler Cow with Lim Hfr Calf to 810, Saler Cow with Lim Bull calf to 970, Here Hfr with Lim Bull calf to 740, Here Hfr with Lim Hfr calf to 800, Here Cow with Bel Blue Bull to 800, Lim Hfr in calf to 670.

link Irish Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Exported to Italy
link First Northern Limousin Extravaganza a runaway success
link Arise 'Sir Beefy' - Sir Ian Botham

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